Looker Studio or previously called Data Studio is an analytics platform (BI platform) from Google that can be used to present data more informatively, namely dashboards.
There are 5 steps creating a dashboard: requirements gathering (you and stakeholders need to agree on the purpose of the dashboard and detail requests), prototyping (design a mockup of the dashboard which will be used as a reference for working on the dashboard), charting (create a chart that will be saved on the dashboard), optimization (tidying up the layout, adding filters, and other dashboard optimizations), and feedback and iteration (creating a dashboard is a continuous process so feedback is needed and realized in the next iteration).
This project I got from MySkill Course. This project provides with sales data and 6 questions. The questions are: 1) shows overall transaction performance; 2) know sales trends; 3) know the performance of each payment methods; 4) find out which products sell best; 5) find out spending for discounts; and 6) transaction summary for each product and consumer.
I worked on this project using Looker Studio. In dataset, there are 19 columns. There are id, customer_id, order_date, sku_id, price, qty_ordered, before_discount, discount_amount, after_discount, is_gross, is_valid, is_net, payment_id, payment_method, sku_name, base_price, cogs, category, and registered_date.
Shows Overall Transaction Performance
I used Text to make tittle, sub-tittle and scorecard list for Revenue (before_discount), Customer (customer_id), Profit (profit), Discount (discount_amount), and Quantity (qty_ordered), I get profit field from (base_price-cogs)*qty_ordered. I also dropdown list and date range control for filter.
Know Sales Trends
I used time series chart to show the sales trends and order_date (Year Month) for dimension.
Know The Performance of Each Payment Methods
I used bar chart to shows transaction per payment and value per payment.
Find Out Which Products Sell Best
I used bar chart to shows transaction per category and value per category.
Find Out Spending for Discounts
I used Pivot Table with Heatmap to shows discount amount per category and product. The heatmap used to highlight the highest value.
Transaction Summary for Each Product and Consumer
I used Pivot Table to shows product summary and customer summary.
For easier to see spesific data in product and costumer summary, I already make filter for date, payment method, and product category.
Before you make a dashboard, you need to know the purpose of the dashboard and detail requests, design a mockup of the dashboard which will be used as a reference for working on the dashboard, create a chart that will be saved on the dashboard, tidying up the layout, adding filters, and other dashboard optimizations, and get the feedback.
Use charts that suit the analysis and use filters to make it easier to see the analysis results.